ПДД Беларуси

by ООО "Новый поворот"

Books & Reference


Traffic rules, Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus with amendments and additions. Fines are indicated in Belarusian rubles and correspond to the current base amount. • Throughout the text of the Rules there are active links to terms, signs and clauses of traffic regulations;• administrative and criminal liability (the amount of fines is indicated in Belarusian rubles);• Traffic rules in Russian;• search by text of traffic regulations;• bookmarks;• quick transition to the traffic rules point;• navigation through chapters using gestures;• 2 color schemes for text;• brightness control;• tablet support.Tip: to quickly go to the desired traffic regulation item, enter its number in the search field.Attention! This application is a reference book "Road Rules" and does not contain tickets for testing knowledge of traffic rules.Disclaimer: we are not an official partner of the government and are not associated with any of the government agencies of the Republic of Belarus (such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Traffic Inspectorate, State Traffic Inspectorate and other structures), but are a private company. We provide only text information for users that is available in official sources (links are provided below). The application is not associated with any government services or government officials. The application is designed as a reference book to help road users comply with their rights and responsibilities and be aware of traffic rules on the roads of the Republic of Belarus.Information for the application (except for our copyrighted graphic images of road signs, road markings and traffic lights) was taken from official sources of the National Center for Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus:• text of the Traffic Rules - https://etalonline.by/document/?regnum=p30500551• administrative responsibility - https://etalonline.by/document/?regnum=hk2100091• criminal liability - https://etalonline.by/document/?regnum=hk9900275